Parcival is a student sports association from Tilburg that focuses on running. The association has 3 group trainings every week. The group training take place in the Warande forest behind Tilburg University, the Spoorpark or on the track. Running is done at different levels, ranging from beginner to advanced. On Monday at 19:00 to 20:30 is a beginner’s training, where the basics of running are discussed. On Tuesday there is an advanced training from 18:45 to 20:15. This training is given by the multiple Dutch duathlon champion Armand van der Smissen. Thursday there is a training for all levels from 19:00 to 20:30.
The members of Parcival also compete in competitions. These competitions can be individual or in a group such as relay-race. The competitions are mostly around the Tilburg area.
At the end of October, Parcival organizes the Snertcross every year. This event is still growing in popularity in Tilburg and the surrounding area. During this event, eating pea soup and a competition through the Warande forest go together.
In addition to sporting activities, Parcival also organizes monthly drinks for its members in Café de Vos and de Craen, a local pub. Here our members can enjoy all kinds of different craft beers in a relaxed atmosphere. Other informal activities are also organized for a pleasant atmosphere among the members, such as going out for dinner or club weekend. Parcival is a suitable student sports association for both Dutch and foreign students.