The Legal Business Days is an annual event of Magister JFT that offers students and companies the opportunity to get to know each other more. We offer formal activities such as presentations given by companies and workshops. In addition, we also offer individual interviews and you can have a CV check. Tilburg Law School students are all welcome to orientate themselves.
The week will consist of the Legal Profession Day, where you can orient yourself on the wide career opportunities. This day will start with none other than Sander Schimmelpenninck. After this, the International Day will take place where both Dutch and International institutions provide information about what a career in these sectors could look like. The Brabant Business Lunch will take place on the next day and it is the perfect opportunity to get in touch with various law firms located in Brabant in an accessible way while enjoying a nice lunch. The Business Day will consist of a number of workshops given by large law firms from all over the Netherlands and there is an opportunity for an individual meeting. Finally, there is the Public Administration Day, the day for public administration students. Workshops are given and you can get acquainted with the career prospects after your public administration education in an accessible way.
This week will take place from April 19 to 23, 2021. To stay up to date with all the latest news and activities, check out our website, Instagram or Facebook!
We hope you will find interesting activities at our event. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail.